Time-Keeping Database
Client: The Public Interest Law Project
Developed a sophisticated multi-user database-driven time-keeping and reporting system custom-designed to the demanding workflow
requirements of a specialized organization.
Web-based charting system
Client: Thunder Road
Developed an electronic Web-based electronic charting system for a non-profit organization committed to the treatment of adolescents
in recovery. The system is built using VB.NET, ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server and Javascript.
Web-based Scheduling System upgrade
Client: Rising Sun Energy Center
Assisted a non-profit organization by upgrading and enhancing their
Web-based scheduling system. The system is written in PHP and MySQL.
Implemented Credit Card Transactions
Client: Golden Gate Audubon Society
Implemented credit card transaction processing for the organizations's Web site, which is written in PHP and MySQL.
Dictation Management System
Client: A leading Northern California HMO
Developed a Dictation Management System for the Occupational Medicine Department.
The system interfaces directly to the hospital's mainframe system and uses Access 97,
VBA, Word 97 and Dragon Dictate. The system replaces a manual method, and has the
potential to increase regulatory compliance and productivity by eliminating
redundancy of data entry.
Disability Management Database
Client: A leading Northern California HMO
Developed a Microsoft Access/VBA disability management database system for the Workers
Compensation Department of a leading northern California HMO. The system provides multiple
reporting features for managing disability cases and decreasing their costs to the HMO.
It also supports workers in recovering from occupational injuries quickly, and assists
in ergonomic evaluations and improvements.
Echocardiogram Tracking System
Client: A leading Northern California HMO
Developed a Microsoft Access/VBA echocardiogram tracking system. The system replaces
manual methods of tracking demographic and technical data. It greatly speeds up
availability of data to other departments via automatic emails and automatic uploading
to the mainframe system.
Deal Tracking System
Client: San Francisco Bay Area venture capital firm
Designed and developed a "Deal Tracking" system in Access 2002 that centralizes the firm's company
and contact data -- previously stored in ACT! and Excel -- and streamlines its collection and
manipulation. The system tracks financial results, funding and investors for 1500 firms, provides
reporting by sector and industry and produces watchlist, taxonomy and current call reports.
Departmental Scheduling System
Client: A leading Northern California HMO
Developed a departmental scheduling system using a custom-designed GUI developed in Visual Basic
with a back end in MS-Access 2002. Previously a set of widely-varying Excel spreadsheets were used
plan physician schedules, and any changes required assistance from IT staff. The new integrated
allows all staff to make flexible alterations in real time and has the following features:
• Serves as a clinician and staffing scheduling tool by making the most current version of a
department's schedule easily accessible to the department and staffing office;
• Provides color-coded alerts to ensure appropriate coverage by on-call doctors;
• Tracks changes made to schedules.
The system acts as a prospective patient access and budget management tool, and provides
retrospective access and budget reporting. It also allows all staff to make alterations in real time
and to predict budget constraint and accessibility constraint outcomes, while optimizing schedule
Employee Tracking System
Client: A leading Northern California HMO
Developed a Microsoft Access employee tracking system for the Mental Health Department.
The system tracks employee training, employee evaluations, and other personnel issues.
Nurse Midwife Analysis
Client: A leading Northern California HMO
Analyzed Access 97 nurse midwife data for the Labor and Delivery Department
to produce reports on outcomes for nulliparous patients based on gestational
age, optimal admission time for laboring patients, effect of epidural anesthesia
on labor outcome and other statistics.
Breast Biopsy Database
Client: A leading Northern California HMO
Assisted in the development of an Access 97 database for the Diagnostic Imaging
Department for tracking breast biopsies. Users automatically import patient
demographic data and pathology results from the mainframe. Pertinent patient and
lesion information captured in the database can be transferred automatically into
the mainframe referral template and hen sent on to the surgery department.
X-ray File Room Application
Client: A leading Northern California HMO
Managed the development and implementation of an Access 97 / VBA application
that improves X-ray file room efficiency by automating the ordering of X-ray
jackets by specialty. The application interfaces to the HMO's mainframe system
and is expected to significantly improve the level of patient care.
Vehicle Transport System
Client: M.A.C. Services
Designed and programmed a Vehicle Transporting, Routing and Mapping System
for a 60-employee company specializing in the intrastate transfer of vehicles.
The system was upgraded from a set of DOS-based Clipper applications to an SQL-based
Visual Basic 5.0 application using Extended System's Advantage Database Server
ODBC drivers. Programmed prototyping and conversion processes in Access 97 and VBA.
The basic system functionality of order entry, invoicing, quotation, directions and mileage
calculation was enhanced to include real-time routing, dispatching and mapping functions.
Product and Inventory Database
Client: Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream
Assisted the R&D Division in the development of a multi-user product development
and inventory tracking database using Access 2.0 and Access Basic 2.0 under Windows 95.
Appropriation Request Database
Client: Wells Fargo Bank
Assisted the Corporate Properties Group in developing an Access 97 database to track
appropriations requests. The system incorporates such features as an automatic
interface to Microsoft Word forms and automatic e-mailing of appropriation status
to managers via VBA DDE.