Web-based Operations Database
Client: A leading Northern California Behavioral Health Organization
Constructed and maintain a web-based database/data warehouse application to manage many company-wide HR operations
by integrating data from Clinical, HR, and other sources.
Calculator for Homeless System and Project Performance
Client: Focus Strategies
Developed a web-based tool to analyze raw data from community Homeless Management Information Systems
to inform system and project
level performance. Allows communities to understand how system changes impact their ability to house people who
experience homelessness.
Visual Trash Assessment Database
Client: EOA, Inc.
Developed a web-based "Trash On-Land Visual Assessment" database for tracking levels of trash on the ground,
via data and photos, for the San Francisco Peninsula region.
Stormwater Pollution Monitoring Database
Client: Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association
Support, enhance, and maintain a database application for monitoring stormwater pollution in the San Franciso Bay region.
Manufacturing and Sales Database
Client: Melissa Joy Manning Jewelry
Support and create enhancements for a database that integrates SQL and Quickbooks data to manage production,
pricing, inventory, purchase orders, and quality control of custom-designed jewelry.
Sales and Marketing Database
Client: New Harbinger Publications
Developed a web and desktop-based integrated database to assist sales team in marketing
self-help books.
Work Order Database
Client: Reed Electric
Developed a web and desktop-based database for managing work orders, inventory and invoices
for residential and commercial electric installations.
School Management Database
Client: Wilson High School
Support, enhance, and maintain a desktop database for a high school's attendance and
grading functions, including tracking graduation requirement fulfillment.
Cast, Crew, and Shows Database
Client: Abominable Pictures
Built a web-based "rolodex" database for a production company that develops and produces comedic content for multi-digital platforms, television and film.
The database assists in matching cast and crew needs for specific comedy productions.
Health Tracking and Support Database
Client: San Franciso Department of Public Health Newcomes Health Program
Developed a desktop database forsupporting the health and wellness of refugees and other new immigrants in San Francisco.
Home Injury Prevention Database
Client: San Franciso Department of Public Health Community and Home Injury Prevention Project for Seniors
Developed a desktop database for supporting San Francisco seniors and preventing injuries in the home.