POLICIES ON USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS Dan Stern Data Systems™ (DSDS) is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. Reproduction, copying, or redistribution for commercial purposes of any materials or design elements on the dansternsystems.com Web site, including without limitation the design or layout of the dansternsystems.com Web site, individual elements of the Web site design, site content or excerpts, is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of DSDS or Dan Stern. DSDS reserves the right to refuse permission to copy, distribute, broadcast, or publish any of its copyrighted material. PERMITTED USE OF DSDS TRADEMARKS DSDS trademarks identify DSDS products and services and let the public know the source of those products and services. You may make fair use of our trademarks in advertising and promotional materials, and in referring to our products and services (for example, in a magazine article) without our permission, provided you follow standard trademark usage practices and provide proper attribution. Other uses require written permission. In addition, you may not use DSDS trademarks, whether design or word marks, in the following ways: - in a non-DSDS product or service name or publication title
- in, as, or as part of, your own trademarks
- to identify products or services that are not DSDS's
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- in a manner that disparages DSDS
DSDS TRADEMARKS Trademarks recognized in the United States and other countries: Dan Stern Data Systems™, DSDS™ Dan Stern Data Systems Logo™. CORPORATE TRADENAMES - Dan Stern Data Systems
- Dan Stern Systems
- Dan Stern Data Systems, LLC
The lists provided on this page are not meant to be exhaustive in any manner - Dan Stern Data Systems may own other trademarks, logos, and tradenames in the United States and other countries that are not included within this document.