DSDS - Dan Stern

About Us
Our Team
 • Dan Stern
 • Ralph Davies
 • Daniel Gray
Dan Stern

Database Development
Systems Integration

Dan Stern, Founder and President

Dan Stern is the Founder and President of Dan Stern Data Systems. He formed the company in the fall of 2002 after several years as a software consultant and developer specializing in Microsoft Access, Visual Basic and VBA. As an avid social and political activist, Dan founded his company with the intention of supporting the computing needs of organizations with express social and environmental missions.

Prior to forming DSDS, Dan was an independent contractor developing software and database systems for a variety of companies including M.A.C. Services, Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream and Wells Fargo Bank. During that time he also worked for Montgomery Watson Harza on a one year database project for the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, and with Epsilon Software Development Corp. on a 2 year Y2k database migration project for the John Muir Mt. Diablo Health System.

He has also worked for Barakat & Chamberlin, Inc. Electric Utilities Group applying his computer expertise to the analysis of all aspects of energy efficiency program cost-effectiveness.

Dan holds a B. A. in Computer Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. He has been a member of the Alameda County-wide Continuum of Care Council Executive Committee and sat on the Alameda Homeless Management Information System planning committee.

Dan has taught Access VBA and Excel VBA classes for AcademyX, and is the organizer for the East Bay Access/SQL Server Database Users' Group and for the Oakland Excel Training Users' Group

Dan can be reached at dan at dansternsystems dot com.